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spanish words for students


At St John Henry Newman our MFL-Spanish curriculum is designed to instil a love of language learning and foster an awareness of diverse cultures. We aim to empower our pupils with the confidence to communicate effectively in Spanish for practical purposes, both in written and spoken forms.

Through our thoughtfully designed curriculum, we strive to lay a solid foundation for language learning. This foundation not only equips pupils with essential Spanish skills but also encourages and prepares them to apply their knowledge to other languages.

Our Spanish curriculum is meticulously planned and sequenced to ensure comprehensive coverage of the three fundamental building blocks of a language system, which we refer to as our Primary Knowledge Strands:

• Phonics

• Vocabulary

• Grammar

By mastering these building blocks, pupils are able to create meaning in various contexts. This approach allows them to develop their skills across two key areas:

• Language Comprehension: Listening and Reading

• Language Production: Speaking and Writing

We are committed to providing a robust language learning experience that not only enhances communication skills but also enriches our pupils' understanding and appreciation of the Spanish-speaking world.


Our Spanish curriculum provides balanced opportunities for communication in both spoken and written Spanish. Pupils first develop confidence and accuracy with oral skills, then increasingly apply their knowledge to extended reading and writing as they progress through Key Stage 2.

Curriculum Design

We have created a spiral curriculum, with key skills, grammar, and vocabulary revisited with increasing complexity. This approach allows pupils to revise and build on their previous learning, reinforcing their language acquisition and ensuring a solid foundation in Spanish.

Our Spanish curriculum has a holistic approach and cross-curricular links are embedded throughout our Spanish units, enabling children to make connections and apply their language skills to other areas of their learning.

Teaching Strategies

Our lessons incorporate a range of teaching strategies to cater to diverse learning styles and promote active engagement:

• Independent Tasks: Encouraging self-reliance and personal accountability in learning.

• Paired and Group Work: Including role-play, language games, and language detective work to foster collaboration and practical application of language skills. Focus on Language Detective Skills

Our scheme of work emphasises the development of 'language detective skills' and a deep understanding of Spanish grammar.

Unit Structure

Each unit is based on a specific theme with a motivating end outcome, providing children with a context and clear purpose for their learning.

Differentiated Learning

Guidance for adapting the learning is available for every lesson, ensuring that lessons are accessible and enjoyable for all pupils. This ensures inclusivity and support for diverse learning needs.

Daily Spanish Integration

To help pupils retain their Spanish learning, we provide information on incorporating Spanish into the classroom environment every day through our ‘During the week’ sections. This continuous exposure reinforces learning and helps pupils practice their skills regularly.


The impact of our Spanish curriculum can be continuously monitored through both formative and summative assessments. This ensures that the progress and performance of pupils are consistently evaluated, fostering a robust understanding of their language-learning journey.

Our Spanish curriculum is designed to foster a comprehensive and practical understanding of the Spanish language. By incorporating continuous assessment, reflective practices, and diverse learning strategies, pupils are well-prepared to advance their language studies with confidence and enthusiasm, meeting the national curriculum standards and gaining valuable cross-cultural insights.

Assessment Methods

• Formative Assessment: Pupils frequently evaluate their own and their peers' performance. This reflective practice allows them to respond to feedback and recognise their own progress.

• Summative Assessment: Each unit includes a quiz and a knowledge catcher which can be utilised at the start and/or end of the unit.

Expected Impact on Pupils

1. Understanding Spoken Language: Pupils will demonstrate an understanding of spoken language by listening and responding appropriately.

2. Speaking and Reading Aloud: Pupils will speak and read aloud with confidence and accuracy in pronunciation.

3. Phonics Application: Pupils will apply their understanding of phonics to make increasingly accurate attempts to read unfamiliar words, phrases, and short texts. 4. Purposeful Dialogue: Pupils will be able to engage in purposeful dialogue in practical situations (e.g. introducing themselves, following directions) and express opinions effectively.

5. Grammatical Understanding: Pupils will be able to identify word classes in a sentence and apply grammatical rules they have learned.

6. Language Detective Skills: Pupils will develop a range of language detective skills to tackle unfamiliar words in Spanish, English, and other languages.

7. Dictionary Use: Pupils will use a bilingual dictionary to support their language learning.

8. Constructing Texts: Pupils will be able to construct short texts on familiar topics.

9. Meeting National Expectations: Pupils will meet the end of Key Stage 2 expectations outlined in the national curriculum for languages.

10. Cultural Awareness: Pupils will develop a greater awareness of the wider world and an appreciation for the role of language learning in promoting cross-cultural understanding.

Pupils are expected to leave school equipped with a range of language-learning skills, empowering them to study Spanish or any other language with confidence at Key Stage 3.