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Year 6 - Biles and Rashford


In Year 6, we believe it is essential to create an inspiring and challenging learning environment to motivate children and support them to reach their full potential. We have carefully crafted our curriculum so that it provides the children with a well-rounded education. To prepare them for the next stage of their school life, we believe it is crucial for us to instil a sense of responsibility and maturity in our Year 6 students. We feel that by encouraging them to be positive role models for the younger children in the school, they will not only grow academically but also develop important life skills that will serve them well in the future.

To ensure the children are well prepared for the challenges of Year 7 and ready to excel in their end-of-year SATs we place a strong emphasis on Maths and English. The lessons are planned to be interactive and engaging and support the children to reach the expected standard. Additionally, we intend to instil a strong understanding of reading, writing and number concepts which can be applied across a variety learning areas. Our wider curriculum of creative arts, humanities and physical education will allow children to explore and develop a variety of skills and provide each individual with the opportunity to shine and showcase their talents.

We utilise a variety of assessment tools to track the academic development of each child. These assessments enable us to identify areas of strength and areas that may require additional support. Additionally, they help us tailor our teaching strategies to meet the individual needs of every student. We firmly believe that every child has the right to an inclusive education that caters to their unique learning needs. To ensure this, we make necessary adaptations to our teaching methods, resources, and assessments. By doing so, we strive to create an environment where learning is accessible and beneficial for all students. Throughout the academic year, we will keep you informed about your child's progress through regular parents' meetings. These meetings provide an opportunity for open communication, where we can discuss your child's achievements, areas for improvement, and any support strategies that may be beneficial.

We strive to provide our Year 6 pupils with enriching experiences that extend beyond the classroom. We firmly believe that such opportunities play a pivotal role in shaping well-rounded individuals. The children will have the opportunity to participate in our end of year production. This event provides children with a platform to showcase their talents, build confidence, and work collaboratively with their peers. During the summer term, our students will have the unique opportunity to go camping. This outdoor adventure fosters independence, resilience, and environmental awareness. During the trip, children engage in team-building activities, explore nature, and create lasting memories with their classmates.